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6 Easy Tips to Keep Your Kitchen Clutter-free and Clean

The kitchen is easily one of the most essential rooms in your home. If you like homecooked meals, you must stock several ingredients to prepare your three meals daily. Not to forget snacks, spices, fruit, and utensils to cook. Due to the sheer multitude of things in the kitchen, keeping your countertops and cabinets tidy can sometimes be challenging. And a messy kitchen can make cooking a challenge.

Fortunately, maintaining a neat and uncluttered kitchen is all about building smart habits. We have listed some simple tips below to help maintain a clutter-free kitchen. Read on to learn how to keep your kitchen neat and orderly throughout your day.

Tips to Keep Your Kitchen Neat and Clutter-free

  1. Stick to Your Needs – The first step in decluttering a space is understanding your needs vis-à-vis what you have. Take stock of your utensils, crockery, and cutlery. Consider the number of items you need for regular use in your kitchen. If you have an excess of dishes, silverware, utensils, gadgets, or appliances – let go of the things you don’t need. Too many things can pile up and clutter your cabinets, drawers, and countertops to create a messy feel.
  2. Optimise Storage – Rethink your storage space and use boxes, bins, and cartons to make optimal use. Numerous storage solutions can help you make the most of your kitchen cabinets, cupboards, and shelves. A set of BPA-free plastic boxes can help you organise your refrigerator, recycle cartons of cold drinks to store items by categories in your cabinets, and if your kitchen has a tight corner, fit a lazy susan in that space to keep essential items like salt shaker, oil, and spatulas handy.
  3. Stay Minimal & Clean – You may not like to hear it, but the kitchen is a haven for germs and bacteria. Surfaces like the kitchen sink, chopping boards, and countertops are teeming with microorganisms. By letting go of things you don’t need, you can minimise the clutter in your kitchen. A decluttered kitchen is easier to clean and more hygienic than a crowded one. Secondly, choose products that promote kitchen hygiene in your home to improve your family’s overall health. For example, most of us wash our hands in the kitchen sink after meals. And therefore, you likely keep a towel near your sink. But wiping hands with damp towels can transfer microbes from one hand to another. Use anti-bacterial towels near the kitchen sink and bathroom to reduce bacterial infections. They dry quicker than average towels and their antimicrobial properties reduce the bacteria on the towel to prevent infections.
  4. Label Foods – Storing food in the same packaging, like cardboard boxes or plastic bags, harms the food and doesn’t look good in the pantry. Use airtight decanters to store food, preferably of the same colour theme. Square-shaped containers make optimal use of the cabinet space than round containers and see-through boxes make it easier to find what you need. Be careful when decanting, and ensure all your food can fit into the container after it is sealed. Another essential aspect of organising your kitchen is to label food containers so you can find all your ingredients at a glance. Using pretty labels on glass or see-through plastic containers can be decorative on an open shelf.
  5. Clear Counter Tops – Think of the last picture-perfect kitchen you saw – and the most striking thing about such a kitchen is always a pristine countertop. Be minimal about the things that go on your kitchen countertop. Besides your stove, choose a few staple items and gadgets for your counter. Lose the habit of dropping your keys, mail, and newspapers on your countertop and start storing all kitchen essentials in cabinets or drawers. Clear dishes, cutlery and food packets from your countertop as you cook.
  6. Be Consistent – Get kitchen cleaning into your routine. Choose one kitchen cleaning chore per day and spend a few minutes every day on kitchen cleaning. That way, you won’t spend hours cleaning the kitchen every weekend. It will also maintain the kitchen as you use it. Be mindful of the clutter in your kitchen and take care of it before it piles up. Include a clutter check in your morning or evening routine, and unclutter your kitchen daily.

The kitchen is a functional part of your home, but it should also be aesthetically pleasing, hygienic, and comfortable. Working in a kitchen that’s clean and organised can make cooking a stress-free activity. It can help you work more efficiently and quickly to prepare nutritious meals for you and your family. Although it takes effort to change habits and organise a space, if you follow the tips in this article – you will soon create a picture-perfect kitchen you love.

Author Bio:

Rory is the R&D Director and passionate entrepreneur, fascinated by the workings of the human body and natural solutions for common health problems. He’s single-minded in his aim to make Copper Defence a brand that’s recognized across the globe, by partnering with global brands to make these high-tech materials easily accessible for everyone. If you’d like to get in touch, email Rory at Rory@copperclothing.com or visit copperclothing.com for copper-infused clothing, pet accessories and more.

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