Arab Spring: Top 8 Flowers Native To The Middle East People


The Arab Spring is associated with the great revolution that spread across the whole Arab states, including UAE, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, and so on. Therefore, every now and then, we need to appreciate the people who have brought change to the region. And there is no native way other than to celebrate them with flowers, shower over them, and keep their presence fresh in our minds.

Hence, today, we will talk about the flowers, which have added colors and inspiration to see them under bright skies and in a free world. Consequently, it showcases a lead for a better world with a grand essence of equality and an flower centerpiece adding beauty to the state’s aesthetics. So, let us remember those souls who paved a new world for the coming generation.

This is because, in Islam, flowers carry hidden messages, symbolism, and a sense of worship and faith. Moreover, it will enable us to convey spiritual truth to them and bring them closer to the world, which is becoming consensus day by day. So, let’s get to know them a bit through flowers, which are indigenous to Middle Eastern people.

Flowers Native To Middle Eastern People

It has been over 12 years since the Arab Spring, yet it’s fresh in the minds of the young generation who have had a great impact on the rise of the revolution. There is no better way to remember their souls and send them love and prayers to the other world. Also, many people have such a close connection with flowers that they become a central part of their lives.

Here are a few flowers to remember the great people on the eve of spring in Arab states –


The lotus is the national flower of Egypt. Its existence depicts the story of a great Egyptian civilization, where great Pharaohs ruled the area. The lotus is known as the sacred lily of the Nile, and therefore, it is held in high esteem in Egyptian culture. People place lotus on coffins to showcase the smooth transfer of deceased individuals to another part of the world.

The flower symbolizes purity and divines, which makes it special for people to showcase their spiritual consciousness to their loved ones. Furthermore, it is seen in various art forms and home decorations, which transpires good thought and luck to homes. So, if you have a photograph of them, you can pay for your home with flowers and let your wishes be known to them in the other world.

Lastly, lotus also showcases the act of creation and rebirth, which acts according to your good deeds in Islam. However, you can showcase the creation of a new world full of equal rights and prosperity. This will surely make those people who had a great hand in changing the world order of the Middle East.



Tulips were the Ottoman Empire’s gift to the world, especially to Mehmud II, who had a great affinity for the flower and wrote some great poems about it. It is the cultural heritage of Turkish people, as it showcases the definition of Jannah (paradise). That’s why you will see Turkish people having a close relationship with the flower and also put them close to deceased coffins to display their love and affection.

Over four million refugees came to Turkey during the Arab Spring and certainly made Turkey a part of the Arab Spring. The country has been greatly supportive of the movement and allowed people to live freely in the state. Therefore, if you want to show love to the revolutionaries who lived in Istanbul away from home, you can do so with tulips.

That way, you can keep them close to your heart and portray your deep love and affection for them. Also, for those who are still living, Tulips can be nostalgic and bask in the memories of their family and friends. So, if you meet one, give them tulips. They will see their whole lives go past in front of their eyes in a flash. Their situation is like Tom Hanks in Terminal. The flower will put them at ease.


Due to its beautiful, soft petals and bewitching fragrance, jasmine symbolizes grace, love, and sensuality. It has become the heart and soul of the Syrian people. However, there is a different meaning attached to Jasmine, and it resonates with struggle and fight against injustice. Therefore, the flower became a powerful weapon for the Syrian activists during the Arab Spring.

Jasmine symbolizes the struggle of Syrian commoners who had to suffer abhorrent death due to chemical attacks. The flower brought solidarity and paid tribute to the families who lost their lives due to the attack. Even today, Jasmine echoes the horrendous death of Syrian commoners. Their fragrance carries the scent of blood, which still gives a chill to the Syrian population.

Hence, if you want to be a part of solidarity and display your support for those innocent, you can do so by placing Jasmine on their coffins. It transcends the love and struggle they faced, which surely Allah will compensate them when they meet him. So, give Jasmine to Syrians. It displays the amazing work Syrian women did to bring attention to the dreadful offense done by the Syrian regime.

Coffee Arabica Blossoms

Coffee Arabica blossoms are central to Yemenis’ daily lives. They are part of their social and cultural life. It gives them the source of income and cultural diversity to have flora and fauna in their ecosystem. The significance of blossoms goes beyond cultural epistemology. The flowers feature great wealth and memories that are built around them.


Its aroma is enough to make a person madly fall in love with them. Therefore, they also became a part of the Arab Spring in Yemen –

  • Where over 2000 people lost their
  • Furthermore, over 22,000 people were

Some even left the country due to the atrocities of the Yemeni regime. The flower displayed the long-lost home and wellness that people miss in their lives.

Hence, if you meet any Yemeni in Istanbul, Cairo, or Dubai, especially if they were a part of the Arab Spring, they will remember their lost homes. This is because the blossoms are the reason they broke bread with their family and friends. So, if you want to pay your respects and strengthen your bond with them, you can give them Coffee Arabica blossoms. It will make their day and struggle worthwhile.


Poppies are indigenous to the Palestine region. They symbolize resistance and struggles the people face due to their geographical war with their neighbors. Besides, it has been part of the Arab Spring, which will tell you about the struggles women faced during the resistance. Therefore, the red color of the poppy resembles bloodshed, which people lost during the revolution.

Consequently, you will see flowers with different names across the state. Some people see it as Hannoun, an Arabic meaning for passionate. Other people, especially the southern Palestinian


people, see it as shakik, which is an Arabic word for brother. Hence, you see Palestinians get emotional when they see the blanket of poppies in their region. Moreover, you can see poppies replicating the color of their flag.

That way, it shows the connection between the commoners and their affinity towards the state in the country. So you can give them poppies whenever you meet a Palestinian family member in your area. It makes them release their memories, both good and bad, and also, once again, they can remember their beautiful homes and their families.


When we are talking of flowers, how can we miss out on roses? They are the national flowers of Morocco. The rose is the symbol of love, care, and passion, which showcases the liberal thought power of the Moroccan people. Furthermore, roses are also symbols of mystery and wisdom, through which people can showcase their thoughts and ideas.

Moreover, the flower has a premium effect on the Moroccan economy. That way, they can sell rose water and other rose products to the world. In addition, it was a big part of the Moroccan revolution, where people showcased their love for change in constitutional reforms. Hence, you will see people see a special connection with the rose. That can be seen in their rose festivals, which happen every year.

So, if you want to see the taste of Moroccan liberalism, you can view it with a rose. The flower can pay respects to those families lost in the Arab Spring, especially to the reforms brought in the constitution. Lastly, you can also give Moroccans dead roses. They will definitely turn the dead rose into rose water. That way, you can have authentic rose water made to use in your body and food.


Romdoul is also known as the happy flower of the world. Furthermore, the Romdoul is also known as the national flower of Bahrain. They have a rich history and cultural significance, showcasing the importance of flowers to the people. Furthermore, it shows the struggle people face in Arid regions. It showcases the tenacity of the people and their ability to thrive in tough conditions.

Moreover, it has been part of Bahrain’s resistance, where the soldiers from Saudi Arabia and the UAE came and crushed the resistance. Hence, through the flowers, they showcase their resistance in tough situations. Over 35 people died due to the government’s role. That way, with flowers, they showed their love for their homeland and their ability to survive properly.

Consequently, you can give Romdul to the Bahraini people, and it will get them closer to their homeland and their ability to survive. The flower will represent the national pride and history of Bahrain. It will give them great value for the anti-government resistance they made during the revolution.

Roof Iris

Roof Iris is Algeria’s national flower. It symbolizes courage, wisdom, and royalty, which people in Algeria see as a part of their daily lives. Furthermore, Iris carries the divine message of god to the world. Hence, it guides you on a spiritual journey that enables people to experience the other world.

The iris also showcases respect and compliments to the people. Therefore, people in Algeria give the flower as a form of souvenir and love. Consequently, you can do the same by giving flowers to people affected by the Arab Spring. It profoundly affected the country and set the right tone to bring equality and justice and give it to commoners.


So, if you want to showcase your love and respect to the protestors, the iris will guide you the way. You can keep them beside their coffins and praise them for their great wisdom and courage for the change they brought. Eventually, they will hear from other parts of the world.

There Is No Bigger Psychologist Than Flowers

Just like Neitszche said there is no bigger psychologist than Dostoyevsky. Similarly, in the Middle East, flowers are the ultimate psychologists, as they succeed in describing every human emotion. Furthermore, their deep connection with Hadith and Allah plays an important role in their function during the Arab Spring.

So, you can give the flowers mentioned in the above discussion to showcase your love and respect to the people who gave lives during the revolution.



Here are some frequently asked questions –

What is the Festival of Roses in Morocco?

The purpose of the festival is to celebrate the year’s crop and beauty in nature.

Are there flowers in the Middle East?

Jasmine is one of the important flowers in the Middle East. The flower has been responsible for the name of Damascus city.

What is an Islamic flower?

Jasmine symbolizes purity, divinity, and purity in Islam.

Which flower is mentioned in the Quran?

Lotus, or Sudra in Arabic, is the flower mentioned in the Quran. This is because it resembles purity and grace.

What is the UAE traditional flower?

Tribulus Omanense is the traditional flower of the UAE.

When did the Arab Spring start?

The Arab Spring started on 17th December 2010.


How was social media used in the Arab Spring?

Social media became a tool to organize demonstrations for the Arab Spring.

Are Moroccans Arab or African?

Morocco is a part of the Arab world.

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