County Criminal Background Check

County criminal background checks play an important role in the background check process. They happen at the county level and are used to screen potential employees and government workers.

They’re even seen as some of the most accurate background checks because they contain criminal records at the county level. This means that most of the information is sourced directly from the source.

You have to use the right tools and visit the appropriate databases if you want to run a county criminal background check. The good news is that we’re here to help. Read on to learn more about how to do this.

What Information Is Included on a County Criminal Background Check?

County criminal background checks contain a lot of information. While they’re limited because they only provide county-level details, having the records for someone’s town or municipality can help you find the most current and accurate information.

Most county background checks will help you find:

  • The case number for a crime
  • Nature of the charge
  • The severity of the charge
  • A disposition of the case if it was disposed
  • The date of the disposition if it was disposed
  • The sentencing information about a case
  • The name of the defendant or defendants in a case
  • Classification of the charge, for example, violation, misdemeanor, or felony
  • Any criminal cases that are still pending
  • Warrants that are out there for someone

Some county-level background checks may also reveal civil court records. However, you might have to visit a different database.

Three Ways to Run a County Criminal Background Check

County criminal background checks aren’t challenging to run when you have the right tools. While you can find most of the information you’re looking for with a Google search, you’ll need to use a county database or a reputable people search tool to find current and accurate information. Learn more about both options below.

1. Use a People Search Tool

When you want to run a county criminal background check, the best way to get the job done is to use a people search free tool, like the one available with FreePeopleSearch. When using this tool, all you have to do to get started is enter the full name of the person you want to run the background check on. From there, select the option that matches your query and open the full report.

FreePeopleSearch is connected to millions of county databases across the country, so you can find everything you need all in one place. What’s more, you can view all of their public records in one place instead of needing to bounce around to other tools.

2. Check County Databases

Most municipalities will have some type of database that holds this information. You might have to call the local police department or visit an office in person to find out where the records are being held. While this can be a time-consuming process, it’s a great way to get accurate records from the county. There are also some county websites available that you can use to find county criminal records for a background check. While county databases are efficient, searching in them can be challenging. The search engine might not be the best, or you might have to pay a fee.

3. Google Search

Another way you can run a county criminal background check is with a Google search. While it’s a broad search engine, if you want records from a high-profile case, this is likely the fastest method you can use.

That said, the drawback is that finding county records can be like finding a needle in a haystack if they have a common name. Unfortunately, Google will show you search results of the most popular person with that name (in most cases). Still, you may have some luck, and it’s worth trying if you want to save time and money.

Run a County Criminal Background Check Today!

A county criminal background check is one of the best things you can do if you want to learn about someone’s criminal history.

Since county records are often the most accurate, it’s a great way to get real-time updates as they happen and look into the case at the source. What’s more, sometimes you’ll find unique information when you run a county criminal record search that you wouldn’t have found somewhere else. Overall, it’s definitely worth incorporating into your background check process.

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