What Happens When the Defendant is Arrested While Out on Bond?

Navigating the bail bond process is already a complex endeavor, but it becomes even more intricate when a defendant is arrested while out on bond. This situation, though not common, can occur and brings with it a host of legal implications and procedures. Understanding these can help defendants and their guarantors make informed decisions. Abraham’s Bail Bonds, a trusted name in the bail bond industry in Oklahoma City, OK, offers an expert view on what to expect in such scenarios.

Understanding the Basics of Bail Bonds

Before delving into the specifics of a re-arrest, it’s essential to grasp the basics of bail bonds. When a person is arrested, a court may set bail, which is a specified amount of money that acts as insurance between the court and the person in jail (the defendant). Bail bond companies like Abraham’s Bail Bonds step in to secure the release of the defendant by providing a bond, which is a form of surety that the defendant will appear in court as required.

The Impact of a Re-Arrest

  • Violation of Bail Conditions: Getting arrested while out on bond is viewed as a violation of bail conditions. This can lead to immediate revocation of the original bail.
  • Potential for Higher Bail Amounts: If a new bail is set after a re-arrest, it’s often higher than the original amount, considering the defendant’s increased flight risk.
  • Additional Charges: The defendant may face additional charges related to the circumstances of the re-arrest, further complicating their legal situation.

Procedural Steps After a Re-Arrest

  • Notification of the Bail Bond Company: It’s crucial to inform the bail bond company of the re-arrest immediately. Companies like Abraham’s Bail Bonds can provide guidance on the next steps.
  • Court Proceedings: The defendant will likely have a new court date set for the new charges and a hearing regarding the violation of bail conditions.
  • Potential for Bail Reinstatement or Adjustment: Depending on the circumstances, the court may reinstate the original bail, set a new bail, or deny bail altogether.

The Role of the Bail Bond Company in Such Situations`

Experienced bail bonds okc companies like Abraham’s Bail Bonds play a vital role in these situations. They can:

  • Advise on Legal Proceedings: Provide information on the legal processes following a re-arrest.
  • Assist in Securing New Bail: If possible, assist in arranging for a new bail bond.
  • Guide the Guarantor or Co-signer: Offer advice to the person who co-signed the bail bond, as they play a critical role in ensuring the defendant’s compliance with bail conditions.

Legal Consequences and Considerations

The legal consequences of a re-arrest while out on bail can be severe. These include:

  • Longer Incarceration Periods: The defendant might have to stay in jail until the new charges are resolved, especially if bail is denied.
  • Increased Legal Scrutiny: The defendant’s actions while out on bail will be scrutinized, possibly affecting the outcome of their case.

Preventive Measures and Best Practices

  • Adhering to Bail Conditions: Strictly adhering to all bail conditions is crucial.
  • Staying Informed: Keeping informed about legal obligations and court dates.


Being re-arrested while out on bail complicates an already challenging situation. Understanding the implications and having a reliable bail bond agency like Abraham’s Bail Bonds can make a significant difference in navigating these complexities.

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